When making a legal contract with an insurance company, it proposes a monetary payment every certain time that is intended to economically cover if any type of external damage to the good or the insured person occurs, as long as it is within the agreed limits, the company will be responsible for all expenses that occur.

In the United States, the insurance market is quite wide, since it is one of the countries with the most natural disasters due to its geographical position, thanks to the high number of gangs that spread throughout all states, robberies, assaults and shootings are a big problem for the general population, so they go to different types of insurance.

There may be many types of insurance, but the most common are; car insurance (replaces the damage or theft of a car), rental insurance (supports the services and expenses of the owner), home insurance (covers property of the house that can be stolen or destroyed), life insurance (takes care of upon the death of the applicant, of the long-term expenses of a family).

Regardless of the type of insurance, companies have the obligation to answer the client a list of questions that are frequent in these contracts, in order to clarify any doubts. The questions may vary depending on the type of insurance it is.

 Car insurance

-Can you cover loss due to robbery or theft? As long as the theft is reported to the competent authorities and then notify the insurer, which will tell you that if you have coverage against all risks, your car will be replaced.

– What if they hit you and the person responsible flees? Collision coverage will help you if you were injured or if your car was hit, regardless of whether the opposing driver escaped from the scene of the accident.

-What would happen if you collide with an animal by accident? These types of accidents are considered by the insurer, as a loss that is covered by the coverage for all risks.

-When does the windshield splinter from an impact? If you have glass or all-risk coverage, any element that damages the integrity of the windshield will be approved and will be replaced with a new one.

-If you park or roll and a tree falls? The insurance will finance the repair and if the vehicle is replaced it will only be if the damage exceeds the cost of the car.

-Is the damage caused by natural disasters or storms? It is a very important question since storms often appear without any warning, but people can be calmer, because any damage caused by the storm will be replaced.

-What would happen if an auto part was stolen from the vehicle? If the car is parked in an open area and one of its parts is stolen, the insurer will grant you the part and its installation if necessary.

-If an accident occurs but not in the hands of the owner? This varies depending on the type of policy the owner owns, but if this term was accepted, the insurance will cover all expenses the same as if it were with the owner.

-What happens when bad roads cause damage? When a vehicle falls into a pothole large enough to damage a spare part, it will have the company to evaluate and solve the problem.

-Can you offer road assistance? There are some policies that can offer a towing service that can assist any family vehicle, in whatever area it is located.

-Can you travel outside the country with the same insurance? In order to cross the border and still be insured, the client must request a green card, with which any foreign damage will be answered.

Lease insurance

-Will it cover any damage that the tenant makes? It will support any monetary damage that is caused by the breach of the rules and obligations presented by a guest.

-If objects belonging to the property are lost? It will provide a plus service to value the lost and replace it either physically or financially.

-Can it be acquired from a digital medium? They can make a contract and see the policy options from any mobile device that has internet access, from the comfort of their home.

-How long can a contract last? It gives you the option in the short and long term, you can request a service of 3 to 6 months or up to 1 year, depending on the need of the owner.

-What types of services can you offer? It may vary depending on the type of policy that is selected there, but normally these insurances can offer electricity, blacksmith, plumbing, transfers, etc. services at home.

-How can you avoid tenants who do not meet payments? The insurer will be in charge of studying the financial profile and credit history of the client, and then inform the lessee so that he can take action.

-What is the cost to have these services? Commonly these tips Policies typically cost 40% to 50% of the profit from a lease.

-How difficult is it to take out rental insurance? Actually it is a very simple issue, you only have to request a policy and then an insurer will be assigned to you, not without first being advised with any questions.

-What would happen when the policy expires? If the person wants to continue with the same insurance, he only has to renew the contract by talking to the company administration.

Home insurance

-And if a fire breaks out in the house? Fire can be very destructive with everything in the house, but this insurance can fully replace the damage that this element can leave you.

-What would happen if you are robbed? If a theft happens to you, the insurer is in charge of valuing any object that was stolen from the home, mostly high-cost items.

-How would you protect the house against a natural disaster? Since it would be impossible to make the home escape the storm, having the insurance, you must take a rough inventory of all the lost items to be backed up.

– If the house has basic faults? People can quickly request a professional service from the company, which will take care of any problems that the house has, such as electricity and plumbing.

-What could happen if the owner of the house has criminal problems? The insurer can be in charge of advising by telephone any questions you may have in the criminal area or court, since this condition comes in the contract.

-What if for some reason people cannot live in your home? If the house has a gas leak or any other dangerous air element, the insurance will be in charge of relocating the members to a more reliable temporary place.

-What requirements do I need to have this insurance? For the company to be confident in insuring someone, the home must have an average external security rating.

-Can two houses be insured with the same company? As long as both homes meet the requirements, they can be insured separately but under the same account.

-Will insurance continue to support you when you move? The company will continue to accompany the person during any eviction process, providing personnel and cargo vehicles.

Life insurances

-How can you help my family after death? When contracting this type of insurance, payments are made every certain time, and these funds will be given to the family when the person in the contract dies.

-Where can I get this insurance? It is suggested to go directly to a company that is already recognized in the matter or to an authorized agent.

-Are medical exams compulsory? This depends on what requirements the chosen company demands, but most of the time a complete medical analysis is necessary to make the contract.

-Can I have a contract having a serious illness? Most likely, no company will receive it, because its life span is not stable and it can represent an unacceptable risk in financing.

-Can the beneficiaries be anyone? When formally entering into the contract, the person will irrevocably choose who will receive the monetary support.

-How to withdraw the money of a deceased that was insured? If the person is the beneficiary, they must notify the insurance company of the loss of the associate and then agree with the bank with the cancellation of the debt.

-How old can you get? The final age at which life insurance can be contracted is up to 65 years, sometimes even less, and in many cases the path in life ends at the age of 70 and 75 years. Ending Life Insurance.

-Can you only have life insurance? A person can make as many contracts as he wants and can pay, since there is no law that prevents it.

-Are the benefits only when the insured dies? It is not like that, there are some terms of some life insurance, which provide you with all kinds of elements and medical exams in life.

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