When mentioning benefits that workers have rights to, compensation can be mentioned and this includes workers’ compensation insurance.

First, it must be clear that compensation has been an approach that is taken to give value, in this case, a monetary value that an employee is entitled to due to work performed.

In short, compensation is intended to achieve several purposes at the job level, such as helping to make an adequate selection of personnel, to measure the performance that a worker may have and also refers to job satisfaction.

In this case, it is intended to mention Workmans comp or workers’ compensation, emphasizing a program or system that occurs at the labor level and that is important to know by all.

Workers’ Compensation or Workmans comp in English, is as its name says it is a system promoted and under the supervision of the competent authorities of the United States for the payment of monetary benefits to workers who at a certain moment are injured or failing that. disabled during their workday.

It can be said that it is a type of insurance that has the purpose of providing salary replacement as well as some other benefits, that is, it acts as a compensation for workers who have suffered an injury or are disabled.


Let’s know the main characteristics of this type of compensation:

• By accepting this type of compensation, you assume or imply that the employee is giving up the right they have to file a complaint or lawsuit against their employer.

• Compensation plans are intended to offer various types of coverage for medical fees related to injuries suffered by workers during their working hours.

• It is important to highlight the fact that those unemployment benefits or disability insurance that the worker may have does not exclude the worker from receiving this compensation, since they are totally different things.

Consequences of workers’ compensation in the case of workplace accidents

As is known, the purpose of workers’ compensation is for the parties to benefit in some way, but for this there must be a waiver on the part of the worker to start a lawsuit against his employer for negligence.

This is because this type of compensation is intended to protect both parties, that is, both the employees or workers and the employer.

This type of compensation occurs when workers give up more resources in exchange for receiving guaranteed compensation and for their part employers accept responsibility and avoid facing a lawsuit for negligence, in a nutshell it can be said that all parties involved benefit of incurring large expenses.

This type of insurance allows somehow to make provisions, these consist of making weekly payments instead of wages, as well as compensation for economic losses, reimbursement or payment of medical expenses and the like and benefits payable to dependents of workers killed during the job.

Negotiation of compensation is mentioned, which has been the compensation that can occur between a limited and insured coverage and the lack of resources of those who are outside the compensation system.

This happened because there was a problem of insolvency of the employers, this thanks to the large compensation for damage, fortunately the collective liability system was created in order to prevent everything that has been mentioned so far, achieving this form guarantee the security of the compensation to the workers.

In the United States there is a form of compensation for workers or employers workers comp and mandatory for all employers in almost all states, regardless of the mandatory requirements, which are required of employers, companies can purchase insurance voluntarily. These insurances can include mandatory and non-mandatory coverage.

 Some considerations regarding compensation insurance

While it is true, it has been mentioned so far that accepting workers’ compensation implies the right to file a claim for negligence, except in some cases, that is, this is not a final decision to which you have an option.

This basically since it is not totally clear the conditions in which the events occurred, it is not clear whether the employer is really responsible for the injury or damage that the worker may have had.

It can be said that the worker is in his right It is not possible to make a report in your workplace in relation to any deficiency or failure that may arise, but it is not possible to regulate that a person make a complaint or report personally or individually.

One can take the case of the construction industry, in which especially a person to be able to do a good job must necessarily be in excellent physical condition.

Likewise, it can happen that the worker suffers an accident outside of work and this imputes the responsibility to the employer, this is a way of deceiving the employer, mentioning an injury or accident that did not really happen in the workplace.

Things like this can lead to fraud at the insurance level, all with the intention of obtaining compensation insurance.

It was mentioned earlier that the worker may be entitled to the enjoyment of certain benefits, such as disability insurance, which is a payment that is made regardless of the place or time in which the insured becomes disabled, on the other hand, workers’ compensation is insurance to which the worker is entitled in case of injury in the workplace,

It can also be mentioned that workers’ compensation does not cover unemployment.

Where to go to apply for workers’ compensation?

It is important to be aware that in the United States, when wanting to enjoy a benefit related to labor aspects, workers can go to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, which only covers what refers to benefits related to federal employees.

This office of workers’ compensation programs, OWCP, is in charge of four programs related to disability compensation that are granted to federal workers and other groups who may suffer an injury in their workplace, as well as an illness. occupational.

Such compensations can be:

• Wage replacement benefits.

• Vocational rehabilitation.

• Medical treatment.

Benefits of workers’ compensation

Here are some of the benefits of having workers’ compensation:

This insurance for workers, which is also known as workers’ compensation, is intended to provide benefits to employees who are injured in their workplace and because of this they can enjoy benefits such as replacement of lost wages, death benefits, rehabilitation and disability benefits.

Likewise, another benefit of this type of insurance is to reduce the possibility of suffering injuries and illnesses that are closely related to work.

By being able to reach an agreement between the parties that are involved (employees and employers), disputes or non-agreements that may exist between both avoid wasting time, since generally when filing a labor claim they can spend too much time to wait for a decision on it.

State laws in the United States

It is important to know that each state that is part of the United States has its own regulations regarding workers’ compensation laws and each has a scope related to the type of benefit you can receive, as well as the amount and duration of the same.

Each state has the power to administer and regulate workers’ compensation insurance in various ways, thanks to the action of a state governing board that has the purpose of overseeing the various public and private combinations of each compensation system.

In many cases, workers’ compensation commissions are formed by states and this is in charge of private insurance companies.

Employer responsibility

An important aspect to know is that although the regulations establish that when it comes to negligence on the part of the worker in case of having suffered a work injury, the employer is completely exempt from liability, there are some states such as New Jersey in which the Employer may be held liable for larger amounts if the employee can prove that the employer was the cause of the damage.

In conclusion, it is important to mention that workers’ compensation insurance is an alternative when a work accident occurs, although it is well known that each state operates according to its own regulations, the ultimate goal is the same , help the employee.

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